Click on the form section below. Feel free to download the form and print for your use. Always consult with your companies legal team prior to use.

Decision-Maker Worksheet

This tool walks you through powerful steps to understand the decision-maker(s) better than your competition. Feel free to re-read the CEO Mindset section of Walk the Sales Plank.

Decision-Maker Worksheet

Business Drivers and Trend Worksheet

This powerful tool brings all the information together and helps you to pre-construct a powerful sales meeting full of value. This worksheet is designed to help you to differentiate yourself from your competition.

Business Drivers and Trend Worksheet

10 Questions for Value Add

This quiz is designed to help you to identify areas in your business development in which you may not be offering maximum value. In addition, there are tips to help you to find improvement in better sales meetings beyond the 60 plus tips in my book, Walk the Sales Plank

10 Questions for Value Add

Pre-Call Plan

This form is designed to bring all of the downloadable forms into two pages to be used as a discussion with your sales leader or mentor. This is your battle plan around how you will take control of the meeting, who will do the talking, and how you will drive the conversation for maximum effectiveness. This process can never be overlooked.

Pre-Call Plan

Story Template

This powerful tool helps you to work through how to take your customers trends, the importance or their business drivers, and your solutions and combine them into a concise and effective story that will engage your prospects and customers. This tool will make your sales meetings more engaging and will differentiate you from your competition.

Story Template

Value Scorecard

Sometimes our clients forget how we come through for them day after day. This tool is designed to send to a customer quarterly or annually to give you a chance to remind them of the value that you create on an ongoing basis. You can use it to solicit ways to serve them better and provide more value. The purpose is for the retention of your top clients. You can edit this form and use it however you see fit. Please consult with your companies legal policies before use.

Value Scorecard example