In the fast-paced world of business, the pursuit of growth and market share dominance is a perpetual challenge. Sales leaders constantly seek ways to elevate their teams and strategies to stay ahead of the competition. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of cultivating a big-picture mindset to achieve extraordinary results. So, let’s explore the concept of thinking big, both for sales organizations and individual sales professionals.

The Power of Big-Picture Thinking

In the world of sales management, implementing a big-picture mindset can be a game-changer. It’s about infusing every aspect of your organization’s culture with grand visions and ambitious goals. When this mindset permeates your team’s culture, it naturally seeps into their processes and productivity, sparking a transformative journey.

Seeing yourself as dominant

Imagine this: I ask you to envision yourself in a position, twelve months from now, where you can write a $500 check to your favorite charity. For many of us, this might not seem like an insurmountable challenge. It’s an attainable goal that requires minimal change in our current lifestyle. However, let’s shift gears. What if I challenged you to imagine writing a $20 million check to a nonprofit in the next ten years? Now, that’s a different ballgame.

The distinction between these two scenarios goes beyond the dollar amount. The second scenario forces us to acknowledge that achieving such a monumental goal demands a transformation. To make this happen, we must evolve and become someone we are not today. This mindset shift applies to organizations as well.

As sales leaders, we must think big for our organizations. We must continually question what our company needs to become and how we must evolve to reach new heights. It’s not just about achieving financial milestones; it’s about becoming a more dominant force in our industry. This approach aligns perfectly with what motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said: “Set a goal to make a million dollars. Not for what the million dollars will do for you, but how it will change you to try to achieve it.”

A big-picture mindset isn’t solely for your organization’s benefit; it’s essential for the development of your leaders and sales team. Encourage them to think big and connect these aspirations with their personal goals. The result? You’ll witness a surge in productivity like never before.

Creating the Big Picture for Individual Sales Professionals

In a scenario I encountered during a turnaround effort, I had a seasoned sales team that wasn’t performing to its full potential. They possessed the necessary skills but lacked motivation. This lack of motivation in sales professionals often stems from two primary sources.

  1. The “Comfort Zone” Dilemma

Some sales professionals are content with their current salaries and modest bonuses. Dealing with this group may require performance reviews, stricter controls, setting higher expectations, 90-day success plans, and incremental metrics to develop the necessary skills. Ultimately, if they don’t respond to these measures, they may need to seek success elsewhere.

  1. The Potential Unleashed

On the other hand, there are sales professionals who have the potential but lack direction or a compelling reason to push themselves to achieve their goals. To motivate this group, I employed a simple yet powerful exercise. I asked them, “What would you do if I gave you $55,000 today?” This sparked enthusiasm and creative responses, including purchasing a truck, boat, or funding their children’s education.

However, the real magic happened when I connected this hypothetical bonus to their actual performance metrics. I broke down the numbers, showing them how hitting just 80% of their targets would yield that $55,000 bonus. The realization of what was possible ignited their motivation.

 The Gold in Big-Picture Thinking

Big-picture thinking is about envisioning monumental goals. It’s a realm where few dare to venture, giving you a unique edge. As a sales leader, adopting this mindset can significantly impact three critical areas: team development, prospecting major clients, and recruiting efforts.

  1. Team Development

Encouraging your team to think big helps them transcend their comfort zones. When individuals connect their aspirations to their work, they become more engaged, motivated, and ultimately, more productive.

  1. Prospecting Big Clients

Big-picture thinking isn’t just for internal development; it also extends to your approach to clients. By targeting larger clients and setting ambitious sales goals, you’ll push your team to expand their horizons and achieve remarkable results.

  1. Recruiting Top Talent

When you project a big vision for your organization, you attract top-tier talent who are drawn to ambitious challenges. Your commitment to thinking big sets the tone for the caliber of professionals you bring on board.

In conclusion, the message is clear: to increase market share, you must invest in the growth of your people. By cultivating a big-picture mindset within your organization and inspiring your sales professionals to envision grand accomplishments, you’ll set the stage for exceptional success. Remember, the journey to market dominance begins with a single, bold step. So, dare to think big, and watch your sales team and organization soar to new heights!

Larry Young, a sought-after professional speaker and author, helps organizations enhance their sales processes through his company, Boiling Frog Development. He focuses on aligning sales processes, developing sales teams, and implementing sales leadership strategies to win ideal clients and maximize profit potential. For further inquiries, you can contact him at